Religion and culture

Psyconauts Book Cover

Video: Psychedelics and the Future of Religion: Mescaline and Psychonauts with Mike Jay

January 2, 2024

As part of the Psychedelics and the Future of Religion series, the Center for the Study of World Religions presented an interview with author Mike Jay about his two most recent books, Psychonauts: Drugs and the Making of the Modern Mind, and Mescaline: A Global History of the First Pychedelic.... Read more about Video: Psychedelics and the Future of Religion: Mescaline and Psychonauts with Mike Jay

Decorative Representation of Eranos Conference

Video: Eranos Conference 2023, "Ideas and Influences on Eros"

June 14, 2023

Professor Charles Stang, CSWR Director delivered a lecture entitled, “Apophasis and Angelology: Henry Corbin’s Neoplatonism” at the 2023 Eranos conference in Switzerland. 

“This is not merely a minor chapter in the history of ideas, but rather a case study in how Neoplatonism has come to serve as a perennial source, or resource, for the reification of modern thought. … Throughout his work [Corbin] champions the Platonic tradition, over against what he perceives to be the deadening influence of Aristotelianism, Sunni orthodoxy, and modern materialism, secularism, and historicism. For Corbin, Plato – or Aflatûn as he is known in Arabic – is the sage whose name stands for what is most worth preserving in the philosophical tradition, especially when wed to the prophetology of the Abrahamic traditions, or ‘peoples of the book.’” 

... Read more about Video: Eranos Conference 2023, "Ideas and Influences on Eros"